
primary test中文是什么意思

  • 初步试验
  • 预初试验



  • 例句与用法
  • Primary test results of dry flue gas desulfurization with entrained bed
  • In this paper , we discussed the design and the primary testing result of the controller
  • The primary test results getting from principle model show the design scheme is reasonable
  • The lsb application checker , lsbappchk , is the primary test for lsb abi compliance
    Lsb应用程序检查器lsbappchk是是否遵守lsb abi的主要测试。以下是使用
  • ; measurement of vibration immission - part 3 : test calibration and assessment of the vibration measuring instrumentation ; primary test , verification , intermediate test , functional check in situ
  • Because of the specialty of teeming - molding process , the gauge of the aperture and apertural depth belong to primary test items . so ? ? assumpsits with customers only
  • Based on real time ct testing , primary testing study of fatigue failure and deformation mechanism of red sandstone has been completed under uniaxial compression condition
  • This paper includes totally eight chapters , in which the design process of software and hardware of the instrument and the primary testing result are given . in the first chapter , the background and significance of the research
    文中还阐述了利用visualc + +为集中式地震仪设计测控软件的过程,测控软件的主要功能包括:参数设置、数据采集和传输、数据存储、数据显示和现场相关功能等。
  • And a formal questionnaire of undergraduates " narcissistic personality is formed after primary test and relevant analysis the present study investigated narcissistic characters of 1173 undergraduats . the result suggests that : ( 1 ) the self - made questionnaire is of good reliability and validity
    最后,使用自编的自恋人格问卷和scl ? 90症状自评量表,对1173名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果表明: ( 1 )自编的大学生自恋人格问卷具有较好的信度和效度。
  • The course is designed and scheduled based on the frequently - used vocabulary and characters , and grammar required by hanyu shuiping kaoshi ( basic ) official guideline , with consolidated exercises , help the candidates comprehensive the test structure and module , and the primary testing emphasis properly and proficiently , so that the student can have a well - prepare for the test
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
primary test的中文翻译,primary test是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译primary test,primary test的中文意思,primary test的中文primary test in Chineseprimary test的中文primary test怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
